Dear Friends in the Fluid Field,
August is here! We will be gathering in community to explore RESONANCE!! Please join us!!!!!
I just returned from beautiful Santa Cruz, CA, where 25 of us gathered IN-PERSON. During the weekend we ignited our bodies and souls remembering the power of moving to the symphony of Continuum sounds in the room in harmony with the trees, birds and all nature that surrounded us.
Despite not feeling lots of resonance with the state of the world at this time, the weekend brought me back to feeling open-hearted, lighter and more hopeful!
I know I cannot change what is going on at the larger scale. And I cannot depend on things outside myself to change dramatically for me to feel resonance. What I can do is tune in, find my center, and allow my inner echos and memories of resonance to expand beyond my skin harmonizing with what surrounds me.
My inquiry has been around the questions:
How can I call resonance into my life?
How can I invite resonance IN through my body, the ultimate instrument of resonance?
I am reminded yet one more time by the words of Emilie Conrad that when I slow down and allow myself to dive into my fluid nature, what I call my body remembers the fluid resonance that connects me to ALL.
When I use my voice to emit sounds that reverberate through the different caves and chambers of my body I remember I am connected to all sounds and vibrations in Nature.
When I open myself to the mysteries of the heart, the organ of resonance par excellence, I remember the pulsation of the Universe and I feel I belong at last!
When I allow my defense structures to soften and my skin to expand and include what is seemingly outside of me, I vibrate in harmony with ALL.
Now….NOW…I am in resonance with the world…regardless of…..you name it!
Please join me and a group of dedicated practitioners to dive deep into fluid RESONANCE following the tools Continuum offers us!
May we all call resonance into our lives and let the world respond to our call!
PS: ZOOM is not perfect and YET! ….being in community with the intention to explore engaged movement as medicine reminds us that resonance is not bound by locality, time or proximity!
In my life’s work, I explore the notion that our basic “connection” is to
this resonance. This fluid presence is, among many things, an atmospheric
substance that supports and guides us via those gentle urgings that feel like
a sweet knowing. A gentle touch on the shoulder … you are not alone … I am
with you … I am here to love and comfort you. I will never leave you.Life on land is fundamentally fluid resonance, and its capacity to expand
Emilie Conrad, Life on Land, pp. 319-20.
and spread goes far beyond any notion of a bounded object called a “body.”
My definition of resonance is as follows: bodies produce frequencies that
will resonate or vibrate sympathetically with other organisms according
to “mutuality.”
Single Immersion:
RESONANCE August 10, 17, 24, 31
Choose PayPal Friends & Family option to avoid fees
or Pay via Venmo: @Marcella-Bottero
Each Immersion program includes:
- 4 Live Continuum Classes via Zoom
Saturdays 11 am – 1:15 pm PST, AUGUST 10, 17, 24, 31
Each week we will explore a different theme and the immersion will build week to week. You will receive the sequence to explore prior to the class by email. - Inspiration Wednesdays
Midweek you will receive an email with suggestions on how to refine the practice we embarked on Saturday and with related inspirational reading.
All sessions will be recorded and replay links emailed to participants.
For questions or further information email: